Write My Idea

Privacy Policy

Write My Idea takes your privacy and security very seriously, and it's important that you understand how your data will be collected, processed, and stored. Our privacy policy is below, along with a summary to help you understand it.

If you have any questions, or would like to make a request for lookup, correction, or deletion of your data, please email [email protected].

Collection — what we collect

When you use our services, we collect the following personal information from you:

Additionally, we collect non-personal information that you submit to the site to provide our services. This includes data such as stories, feedback, and activities. While this is generally not personal information, due to the nature of the content which may be submitted (e.g. details of a family holiday, or school names), it is treated as personal information for the purposes of this policy.

Purpose — why we collect it

We collect this personal information in order to:

Retention — how long we keep it for

We keep your data so that you can continue to use our services, including stories, classes, and your account.

We keep your information for one (1) year past your last login date (which is defined as the last date and time at which you (re)authenticated with Google), or as long as your are in a class, whichever is greater. In effect, this means that your account will be kept as long as you are in a class, and that it will be deleted approximately 1 year after you leave the class (assuming you never log in again). Note that the last login date is not the same as when you last visited the site (as this is not tracked).
After this point, if your account is no longer associated with a class, your account, stories (including feedback), and classes will be permanently erased from our database.

Note that subscription and payments data will be kept by Stripe for accounting purposes, and to allow you to continue your subcription. We will not automatically cancel subscriptions when your account is deleted, as the license is not tied to any specific account and the key can be reused.

Security and Sharing — how we keep your data safe

Your information is kept safe in a secure databse on our server, which can only be accessed by authorised users. All data is access controlled, only allowing particular users access to particular parts (e.g. a teacher can only view information about their own students).

Your data will never be shared with a third party, except when required by law or in the event of an acquisition (both very unlikely), in which case you will be notified.

Your Rights — what you can do

You have the right to ask for a copy of any personal information we hold about you, and to ask for it to be corrected if you think it is wrong. If you'd like to ask for a copy of your information, or to have it corrected, please contact us at [email protected].

You can also ask for your data to be deleted at any time. To request this, please contact us at [email protected].